Following is a list of ways to connect, learn and grow from us: - Huge database of leadership content I have gathered for you (and us) from the 150+ blogs I read daily. It contains over 1,000 articles, blog posts, videos, etc. They are all indexed by our curriculum's 10 leadership essentials ( - iPhone app that aggregates the RSS feed from this blog, my other blog, our PLI_Leadership twitter account (We also have other Twitter accounts you can follow - TeamTRI, RhettLaubach and yns1). - The PLI leadership blog. - The speaking skills blog. - My new leadership and presentation skills book. - A collection of my PowerPoints. - The slide show I use at the end of many of my keynotes to inspire. Our rich, beautiful, meaningful and interactive leadership curriculum.
We are also on Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo and Twitter. Just search for our names (Rhett Laubach and Ryan Underwood).
I hope you enjoy these resources and find them enriching and valuable.