Thursday, February 28, 2008

Masterful Communication Tags is an online bookmark sharing system that works just like your favorites function on your web browser, except the bookmarks (or "tags" as they are called in are accessible to anyone via the web.

From my leadership blog home page ( anyone can access the more than 400 pages I have tagged in our PLI (Personal Leadership Insight) tag system. Each page is tagged under one of the ten PLI Essentials (seen in this picture). You can also see at the bottom of the picture that I have started tagging pages that deal with authenticity, the core focus of this blog.

As a reader of this blog, you are obviously interested in learning how to communicate better. I highly recommend you spend some time perusing the over 100 Masterful Communication tags. They are filled with speaking tips, conversations tips, team communication strategies, etc.

To access them you can go through the PLI blog site or you can just click here. I add more every week.

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