Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Big Genuine Thank You

The first round of interviews for my upcoming Authenticity Rules book is complete. This is a great big "thank you" to the 12 presentation experts who agreed to lend their time to add richness, depth and wisdom to the final product.

"Great presentations are real conversations."
Rowan Manahan - The Fortify Your Oasis Blog

"Authenticity is everything."
Ben Decker - Decker Communications

"People just don’t realize it’s ok to be yourself."
Lisa Braithwaite - The Speak Schmeak Blog

"A presenter’s aura on stage should just be an enhanced version of reality... a larger version because of the context."
Tom Antion - Antion & Associates

"There is something charming about speakers who aren’t polished, but are experts, passionate and experienced."
Jane Atkinson - The Speaker Launcher

"Being real starts with knowing who you are and how you can connect "you" with the audience."
Bill Cordes - The "YOGOWYPI" Guru

"Authentic communication is the most credible form of communication because it’s 100% genuine."
Norma Hollis - The Authenticity Expert

"Authentic presenters don’t just focus on logic. People aren’t moved by logic. They are moved by emotion."
John Windsor - The YOU Blog

"The audience wants to feel a connection to us personally."
Kevin Eikenberry - The Remarkable Leader

"A presenter must give the audience a reason to want to listen and then evidence to believe what they are saying."
Dr. Jeff Magee - Jeff Magee, International

"Authenticity is absolutely critical. It allows you to be more passionate, more prepared, and more memorable."
Andrew Dlugan - The Six Minutes Blog

"Add depth to your presentation that is directly connected to you and your unique path in this world – stories, opinions, work experiences, pictures, people, mentors, etc."
Phillip Van Hooser - Van Hooser Associates, Inc.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully varied collection, Rhett. Can't wait to see your final product. It was fun being a part of this.

Best regards,

Lisa Braithwaite said...

Thank YOU, Rhett. I'm excited to see the final product!